So, it has struck again........Last year, readers will know that we were stuck in Braunston for nearly 3 weeks because I had a bad back and during that time Suzie met the most rude and unhelpful man in Braunston Marina so our time here is not full of happy memories! Oh and by the way it's true about everyone knowing everyone "on the cut" as we were telling the story about the blokey at Braunston Marina to a bloke in a Marina in Lancashire, and he said, "I've heard that about him before, he's a miserable git isn't he?", be careful who you upset on your travels!
The very next day after leaving Barby Moorings we are moored in Braunston so that Justin from
JG Marine can do us a 750hr service (It's a bit of a squeeze me getting in with the engine, Suzie would fit but she's having none of it!) anyway's, service all done and so it's off to The Plough for a couple of beers, game of darts and a fish and chip supper......happy days! The walk is about 1 mile all told so not far but when we got back to the boat my foot had swollen up and was very painful also my calf was very painful too with very lumpy looking veins??. After a very disturbed nights sleep the next morning (Saturday) I say I need to get this looked at as my thoughts were of a blood clot due to all the flying I've done in the last 4 months.....So, I dial signal! Again, those that have been to Braunston will know that it is a mobile phone black hole regardless of network! Standing in the hedge I get a weak signal and try again. I get through and the guy says he will get a medical operator to call me back, I explain that I have no signal and that I am standing in the hedgerow along side a canal so he says "ok I'll put you on hold" and 15mins later I have to repeat the whole story to another chappie!
It kind of all worked well, an appointment was made for me to see a GP at Daventry Hospital where I was diagnosed with having "Phlebitis" which is in simple terms, an infection in the vein so a course of Anti-Biotic's later and all is good.
So boaters, are you up to speed if you or your partner has to see a Dr and he says that you need to go to Hospital? Not a nice thought to have but one you should be prepared for though!
On the Monday we had a surprise visit from my Cousin Lou and hubby Tony who thought they would just pop up and see us, have some lunch and then go home.......and very nice it was too!
We leave Braunston (thank goodness) and mooch our way round to Napton down the flight and onto Fenny Compton where we meet up with our old mate Dan who we first met at whilst at Stockton Marina and Steve who helped Milburns build our boat......nice that a couple of youngsters can take time out for a couple of oldies.....bless 'em
We leave Fenny Compton and cruise down to Cropredy where we have just been told that Suzie's daughter Sandie, hubby Steve and the 2 kids, Reece and Kayleigh are coming to see us.......yippee :-)
So, we decide to cruise down to Banbury with Sandie and Kayleigh as Steve has to work the we go only for me to hit the moored boat in front of us not once but twice! PANIC! talk about about a Corporal Jones moment (Dad's Army, for our younger reader's) anyway, panic over and my apologies to all and with Sandie's heart rate returning to normal we had a lovely cruise in the sunshine to Banbury where we picked up Steve and Reece and returned to Cropredy. The next day we did a little cruise back up towards Fenny Compton turned the boat around and back to Cropredy where we said our goodbyes......'twas all too short.....oh and Steve, thanks for the shopping trip.
We stop at Cropredy for a couple of days and then travel down to Banbury where we are sat on the 48hr mooring with nobody about? Now, we don't know if this is ok but we've stayed here now for 5 days. Boaters who read this please reply to this question.......Is it ok to stay longer on a 48hr mooring if they are not being used? at no time were there more than 3 boats and there is mooring for about 9?
That's about it for our first blog of the year........boring really with not a lot happening and no pictures bad is that!
Ooop's I forgot, we had a creative day where Suzie made a tea loaf and crocheted me a holder and I made some bread.
Guess what? |
Suzie's Tea Loaf....and very scrummy it is! |
My cheese and herb bread.......Mmmmmm |
And here it is......a little holder for our remote
controller for our bow thruster...ahhhh |
Since the last blog we have done 32 miles and 21 locks this gives a grand total of 528 miles 100 yards, 283 locks and 9 tunnels (tunnels over a 1000 yards only).